Collaboration and Identity Security
The Bert Blevins Approach
In the fast-paced world of IT, professionals are constantly seeking ways to optimize processes, enhance collaboration, and drive organizational growth. Bert Blevins is a shining example of how dedication to continuous learning and professional development can lead to transformative impacts in the field of information technology.

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Bert Blevins, a seasoned IT professional, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising from Western Kentucky University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. His academic journey did not end there; he also served as an adjunct professor at both the University of Phoenix and Western Kentucky University, sharing his wealth of knowledge with the next generation of leaders.
A Passion for Knowledge Sharing
Bert’s commitment to knowledge sharing is evident in his extensive involvement with various organizations.

He served as a director of Rotary International Las Vegas and the Las Vegas Chapter of the American Heart Association, and as president of the Houston SharePoint User Group.

These roles highlight his dedication to fostering community growth and collaboration. As a regular speaker at information architecture conferences, Bert has carved out a niche in the IT world, focusing on collaboration, information security, and private blockchain projects.

His ability to communicate complex concepts in an accessible manner has made him a sought-after consultant and speaker.
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Driving Growth through Technical Innovation
Bert’s passion lies in applying technological innovations to business challenges. He constantly seeks to improve technical business solutions with emerging technologies.
His core strengths include process optimization, collaboration, data visualization, application development, and cybersecurity.
These skills enable him to identify and address infrastructural and process gaps across the business spectrum, ensuring that organizations can achieve their goals efficiently and securely.
As an avid problem solver, Bert takes pride in automating workplace procedures, helping others become more productive. This drive to enhance productivity and streamline processes is one of the reasons Bert turned to writing.
His books, including "Reducing Risk with Cyber Insurance," "Exploring Cloud-Based Privilege Access Management," and "Securely Managing Service Accounts," provide invaluable guidelines for IT and business professionals alike.
These works distill his extensive experience into practical advice for promoting organizational excellence.
Commitment to Continuous Learning and Development
Bert is a voracious learner, always working to expand his knowledge base to keep up with the rapidly changing world of technology. This dedication to learning ensures that he remains at the forefront of technological advancements, continuously finding new ways to improve and innovate.
In his spare time, Bert indulges in his interest in drones and virtual reality applications. He also challenges himself physically by participating in endurance competitions such as Ironman Triathlons and marathons. This balance of mental and physical pursuits exemplifies his philosophy of making every second count.

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Contact Me
Bert Blevins is an exemplary IT professional whose career is marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge, a passion for teaching, and a dedication to improving business processes through technology. His contributions to the IT community, both as a leader and as an author, have left an indelible mark on the field. For IT professionals looking to drive organizational growth and innovation, Bert’s approach offers a roadmap to success.
By continuously evaluating processes, developing strategies for improvement, and embracing emerging innovations, IT professionals can follow in Bert’s footsteps to achieve remarkable results in their careers and organizations.
Privileged Access Management books by Bert Blevins